What to Expect
First Time Visitors
Going anywhere for the first time can be an intimidating experience. The questions and answers below are designed to help first-time visitors feel more comfortable at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church while giving information about what to expect.
What Should I Expect Of The Service?
Our congregation follows the Orders for Divine Service as outlined in our Hymnal, “Lutheran Service Book”. The Divine Service contains elements of worship such as Confession and Absolution, the Reading of Scripture, Prayer, confessing the Creed, a Sermon, and hymns which help to teach us the Gospel and give praise to the Glory of God. We offer the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. When you come visit an usher will give you a bulletin with the Order of Service and page numbers and hymns. If this is your first time to a Lutheran service don’t be afraid to ask for help, someone will be glad to offer assistance with the liturgy.
Can I receive Communion if at St. Paul’s Eden Valley?
If you are a member of St. Paul’s, see the pew card for help in preparing to receive Jesus’ body and blood for the forgiveness of your sins.
If you are a guest, welcome! Communion at St. Paul’s Eden Valley is reserved for members of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations. Please speak with Pastor Hollingsead about Communion before participating.
Didn’t have a chance to talk with Pastor about Communion before church? If you’re member of an LCMS congregation, you are welcome to Communion, but please let Pastor Hollingsead know where you go to church when you come to the Communion rail.
How Do I Become A Member Of St. Paul’s?
1) Adult Instruction: We offer two Adult Confirmation classes throughout the year, typically in the Fall and in the Spring or individually throughout the year to meet the needs of varying schedules. Please check our Facebook page for when those are offered or call the Church Office. New members are given instruction in the Christian faith as taught by the Lutheran Confessions and Holy Scripture.
2) Students in the 7th and 8th grade meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 during the school year and are taught the Christian Faith.
3) Transfer from a sister congregation of the same Christian Faith and confessions of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.